The Mitchell Institute Fellowship Program

Henry Izere, the the 2020 Mitchell Scholar from Portland High School and Computer Engineering major at the University of Maine, received a Fellowship to help pay for summer living expenses while he interned in the Information Technology department at Texas Instruments in South Portland.

A signature program of the Mitchell Institute, Fellowship Awards offer financial support to qualified Scholars and Alumni in their pursuit of internships, service learning, and study abroad experiences that offer ongoing personal and professional development.

Mitchell Institute Fellowships are financial awards of up to $1,500 — over and above the Scholarship — that are available to both current Scholars and Alumni. You are eligible to apply if you have not received a Fellowship Award in the last 12 months. The purpose of the program is to ensure that Scholars and Alumni don’t have to forgo personal and professional development opportunities due to a shortage of money.

Mitchell Fellowships are awarded to applicants for a broad range of activities, such as:

  • Unpaid or underpaid internships
  • Travel or accommodation costs associated with professional or personal development opportunities such as internships, conferences, career-related service projects, study-abroad opportunities, etc.
  • Professional license fees and examination fees for tests like the LSAT, MCAT, GRE, and Praxis

These are just some examples.

There are two application rounds each year:

  • The Fall Round of Applications is open from October 1 to November 1. This application round is for activities that take place between December and May.
  • The Spring Round of Applications is open from March 1 to April 1. This application round is for activities that take place between June and November.

Melina Masselli (second from left), a 2020 Mitchell Scholar from Lewiston High School and Pre-Med–Biology major at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, applied for Fellowship funding and was named a Dubyak Fellow. The $1,500 she received through a gift to the Mitchell Institute from Michael and Denise Dubyak helped defray the cost of her flights to and from Kenya for a nearly six-week pre-physician assistant internship with International Medical Aid.

In each round, the Mitchell Institute awards approximately 50 Fellowships, ranging from $500 to $1,500, to Scholars and Alumni. Fellowship recipients are asked to complete a community service project within one year of receiving their award. To see what opportunities Scholars and Alumni have pursued, see the Fellowship Awards Database.

The link below will be updated with the Fall 2024 Application starting Oct. 1

Learn more about what Mitchell Scholars Melina Masselli and Henry Izere did with their Fellowship awards.